Vinay Baindur [invites]
2014-10-16 10:07:52 UTC
*Smart Cities, Gated Communities, Engels And The Way The Poor Live*
*By Vidyadhar Date*
15 October, 2014
Kamu Iyer , a veteran Mumbai architect, is a mild mannered man and not at
all known as a leftist. But he has posed a key question in his just
published book Bombay from Precincts to Sprawl. The key point, which is
rarely made by architects, is that you can judge a city by the way its poor
live. A chapter is devoted to this theme.
Charles Correa, one of our few socially conscious architects, said
understandably at the release of the book recently that he was highly
impressed by the question posed by Mr Iyer.
It is a radical question, Mr Correa said. He then spoke of how the poor ,
displaced by new projects, are living like rats in new buildings built by
builders for them without adequate light and air and other amenities.
Unfortunately, there are few architects in India raising such questions.
One can think of only a few names. Apart from Mr Correa, there is Rahul
Mehrotra, his son-in-law and architect and professor in Harvard, and P.K.
Das, who once led a radical movement for housing rights for the poor
working in collaboration with Shabana Azmi. Laurie Baker, the radical
architect with a Gandhian vision, is sadly gone. Among the academics with a
penetrating look into urban issues I think of few names beyond Swapna
Banerjee Guha of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
The most radical writing on housing for the poor against the background of
industrial capitalism and urban development came long ago in the 1840s from
none other than Engels, who later became a collaborator of Karl Marx. His
book The Condition of the Working Class in England is an absolute classic
and I am proud to have a copy published by Progressive Publishers of Moscow.
What a fantastic, penetrating description and exposure of the abject living
conditions of industrial workers. And Engels was then only 24 years of age.
The son of a rich man he spent some of the best years of his life working
among the poorest of people, forsaking dinner parties and port wine. It is
also amazing that few urban planners and even academics in India care to
read this book or have even heard of him. I know they would find it
politically inconvenient but Engels writes with such descriptive power that
the intellectuals need to give up their timidity and read this vital
Engels showed how workers in industrial urban centres like Manchester and
Liverpool suffered from higher mortality and diseases like small pox and
scarlet fever than in rural areas. This is directly because of the abject
conditions in which the poor lived in cities under capitalism. India, China
and other countries are now going through the same convlusions that England
went through in the 1800s, as Engelsâs recent biographer Tristram Hunt
points out. There is the same breakneck speed of so-called development
which is playing havoc with the lives of the poor. Yet, our ruling class
has the gall to talk of creating a hundred smart cities. So instead of
letting a hundred flowers bloom, we have this slogan for cities in which
the poor will have no place at all. It is so obvious. Yet, as the Economic
Times pointed out on October12, there are few takers for the new dream city
for the rich being created in Gujarat and the idea was initiated when Mr
Narendra Modi was the chief minister of the state.
Karl Marx wrote of Engelsâ book as a work of steely fury after reading it
in the British Museum reading room in 1863.
In more recent times there has been an explosion of very radical writing on
urban issues in the West by such eminent figures like David Harvey, Jane
Jacobs and Mike Davis. Charles Correa frequently mentioned the importance
of Jane Jacobs in his remarks at the release of Mr Iyerâs book. But the
irony is that when I attended a meeting of leading figures of Mumbaiâs
architecture and activist community at Max Mueller Bhavan some years ago, I
was the only one to know that Jane Jacobs had died just a few hours ago and
many among architects had not heard of her. I say this in all humility and
I knew of her death because I closely followed her life and writing purely
as a layman interested in social and urban life. Jane Jacobs, the most
important influential writer on urban issues in the last half century was
not a trained architect at all. This also goes to show that the so-called
non expert can be a real expert if one has the dedication and vision.
Again, Lewis Mumford, the biggest name as architecture historian, had no
formal training in architecture or town planning.
Mr Iyer does well to mention the rich tradition of social housing in Europe
and Corbusierâs public housing work in Karl Marx Hof in Vienna. He also
mentions the work of the Egyptian architect Hasan Fathy who specialized in
mud architecture. I fondly remember listening to Fathy in the J.J. School
of Architecture many years ago.
In his introduction to the book Correa blames politicians and the steep
increase in FSI, floor space index, a wild increase in high rise buildings,
for the ills of Mumbai. Mr Iyer also mentions a interesting point that
Correa once suggested how arrangements could be made to provide for
sleeping for the poor on streets at night on little platforms which can be
used by hawkers during the day and by the houseless at night for sleeping.
Some people may be shocked by this. But this is quite possible and can be
done in a humane way without creating ugliness. If we can tolerate
uselessly parked cars on the road, why canât we tolerate human beings whom
we are denying a right to shelter ?
Mr Iyer said certain colonies like Parsi colony and wadis of different
communities were interesting areas but these had an element of the ghetto.
Rushed Wadia, a research scholar studying Mumbaiâs history who lives in one
of the Parsi colonies, said there was nothing elevating about living in
these ghetto colonies. He had come across several houses in these colonies
where there was not a single book on the shelves.
My personal view is that architects and activists are not raising their
voice against the new gated communities of the rich which are springing up
all over the metropolis. Their very exclusiveness is illegal. In Bangalore
the authorities have made it clear that any citizen had a right to enter
these colonies as the roads and other open spaces were public spaces. Gated
communities are illegal, the then commissioner of the Bangalore Development
Authority Bharat Lal Meena had declared. They cannot stop people at the
gates with all their heavy , arrogant security with stern, heavily
uniformed guards and high gates. I remember architect P.K. Das telling me
some time ago that in Mumbai large housing estates were by law expected to
have access to the public. More searching questions need to be asked about
the new exclusive and controversial cities like Lavasa which are coming up,
some are clearly vandalizing the natural environment. How can they deny
access to common people ? Access through these controlled spaces will
vastly reduce walking distances and reduce traffic. It will be a win win
situation. The residents of these private colonies cannot claim exclusive
right to the road space which is public.
After casting my vote in the assembly election on October 15 at St Andrewâs
school in Bandra in Mumbai I realized how a little access can vastly make
things easier. Because of the elections, an access to the road behind had
been opened up and one could easily go to the other side. The church
compounds are much more democratic spaces normally. It is imperative that
the private, gated communities give access to common people. Exclusiveness
and exclusion cannot be tolerated in a country that prides on being the
biggest democracy.
Apart from Mr Kamu Iyerâs book one also needs to welcome a new bi-annual
journal of architecture, urban design and planning, Tekton, which was
launched last month and is brought out by the MES Pillai college of
architecture, Navi Mumbai. It is to be welcomed particularly because there
is such a paucity of serious , analytical journal on the issue.
It is astonishing that should be such scarcity of such journals in a
country with an outstanding tradition of architecture and where the
landscape is being changed almost daily because of rapid urbanization.
The first issue of the journal which came out last month includes articles
on a variety of subjects. These include a conversation between architect
Mustansir Dalvi, professor of architecture at J.J. school of architecture,
with noted architect Rahul Mehrotra. Prof Dalvi is also a fine poet,
translator and writer. Then Richa Sharma reviews a book on cities written
by Isher Judge Ahluwalia, Amita Sinha looks at the architectural history of
India and Sonam Ambe writes on the ladiesâ compartment in Mumbai local
trains.The journal editor Prof Smita Dalvi hopes the journal generate
critical thinking on architecture, urban design and other topics.
*(Mr Vidyadhar Date is a senior journalist and author of the book Traffic
in the Era of Climate Change. Walking, Cycling, Public Transport Need
*Smart Cities, Gated Communities, Engels And The Way The Poor Live*
*By Vidyadhar Date*
15 October, 2014
Kamu Iyer , a veteran Mumbai architect, is a mild mannered man and not at
all known as a leftist. But he has posed a key question in his just
published book Bombay from Precincts to Sprawl. The key point, which is
rarely made by architects, is that you can judge a city by the way its poor
live. A chapter is devoted to this theme.
Charles Correa, one of our few socially conscious architects, said
understandably at the release of the book recently that he was highly
impressed by the question posed by Mr Iyer.
It is a radical question, Mr Correa said. He then spoke of how the poor ,
displaced by new projects, are living like rats in new buildings built by
builders for them without adequate light and air and other amenities.
Unfortunately, there are few architects in India raising such questions.
One can think of only a few names. Apart from Mr Correa, there is Rahul
Mehrotra, his son-in-law and architect and professor in Harvard, and P.K.
Das, who once led a radical movement for housing rights for the poor
working in collaboration with Shabana Azmi. Laurie Baker, the radical
architect with a Gandhian vision, is sadly gone. Among the academics with a
penetrating look into urban issues I think of few names beyond Swapna
Banerjee Guha of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
The most radical writing on housing for the poor against the background of
industrial capitalism and urban development came long ago in the 1840s from
none other than Engels, who later became a collaborator of Karl Marx. His
book The Condition of the Working Class in England is an absolute classic
and I am proud to have a copy published by Progressive Publishers of Moscow.
What a fantastic, penetrating description and exposure of the abject living
conditions of industrial workers. And Engels was then only 24 years of age.
The son of a rich man he spent some of the best years of his life working
among the poorest of people, forsaking dinner parties and port wine. It is
also amazing that few urban planners and even academics in India care to
read this book or have even heard of him. I know they would find it
politically inconvenient but Engels writes with such descriptive power that
the intellectuals need to give up their timidity and read this vital
Engels showed how workers in industrial urban centres like Manchester and
Liverpool suffered from higher mortality and diseases like small pox and
scarlet fever than in rural areas. This is directly because of the abject
conditions in which the poor lived in cities under capitalism. India, China
and other countries are now going through the same convlusions that England
went through in the 1800s, as Engelsâs recent biographer Tristram Hunt
points out. There is the same breakneck speed of so-called development
which is playing havoc with the lives of the poor. Yet, our ruling class
has the gall to talk of creating a hundred smart cities. So instead of
letting a hundred flowers bloom, we have this slogan for cities in which
the poor will have no place at all. It is so obvious. Yet, as the Economic
Times pointed out on October12, there are few takers for the new dream city
for the rich being created in Gujarat and the idea was initiated when Mr
Narendra Modi was the chief minister of the state.
Karl Marx wrote of Engelsâ book as a work of steely fury after reading it
in the British Museum reading room in 1863.
In more recent times there has been an explosion of very radical writing on
urban issues in the West by such eminent figures like David Harvey, Jane
Jacobs and Mike Davis. Charles Correa frequently mentioned the importance
of Jane Jacobs in his remarks at the release of Mr Iyerâs book. But the
irony is that when I attended a meeting of leading figures of Mumbaiâs
architecture and activist community at Max Mueller Bhavan some years ago, I
was the only one to know that Jane Jacobs had died just a few hours ago and
many among architects had not heard of her. I say this in all humility and
I knew of her death because I closely followed her life and writing purely
as a layman interested in social and urban life. Jane Jacobs, the most
important influential writer on urban issues in the last half century was
not a trained architect at all. This also goes to show that the so-called
non expert can be a real expert if one has the dedication and vision.
Again, Lewis Mumford, the biggest name as architecture historian, had no
formal training in architecture or town planning.
Mr Iyer does well to mention the rich tradition of social housing in Europe
and Corbusierâs public housing work in Karl Marx Hof in Vienna. He also
mentions the work of the Egyptian architect Hasan Fathy who specialized in
mud architecture. I fondly remember listening to Fathy in the J.J. School
of Architecture many years ago.
In his introduction to the book Correa blames politicians and the steep
increase in FSI, floor space index, a wild increase in high rise buildings,
for the ills of Mumbai. Mr Iyer also mentions a interesting point that
Correa once suggested how arrangements could be made to provide for
sleeping for the poor on streets at night on little platforms which can be
used by hawkers during the day and by the houseless at night for sleeping.
Some people may be shocked by this. But this is quite possible and can be
done in a humane way without creating ugliness. If we can tolerate
uselessly parked cars on the road, why canât we tolerate human beings whom
we are denying a right to shelter ?
Mr Iyer said certain colonies like Parsi colony and wadis of different
communities were interesting areas but these had an element of the ghetto.
Rushed Wadia, a research scholar studying Mumbaiâs history who lives in one
of the Parsi colonies, said there was nothing elevating about living in
these ghetto colonies. He had come across several houses in these colonies
where there was not a single book on the shelves.
My personal view is that architects and activists are not raising their
voice against the new gated communities of the rich which are springing up
all over the metropolis. Their very exclusiveness is illegal. In Bangalore
the authorities have made it clear that any citizen had a right to enter
these colonies as the roads and other open spaces were public spaces. Gated
communities are illegal, the then commissioner of the Bangalore Development
Authority Bharat Lal Meena had declared. They cannot stop people at the
gates with all their heavy , arrogant security with stern, heavily
uniformed guards and high gates. I remember architect P.K. Das telling me
some time ago that in Mumbai large housing estates were by law expected to
have access to the public. More searching questions need to be asked about
the new exclusive and controversial cities like Lavasa which are coming up,
some are clearly vandalizing the natural environment. How can they deny
access to common people ? Access through these controlled spaces will
vastly reduce walking distances and reduce traffic. It will be a win win
situation. The residents of these private colonies cannot claim exclusive
right to the road space which is public.
After casting my vote in the assembly election on October 15 at St Andrewâs
school in Bandra in Mumbai I realized how a little access can vastly make
things easier. Because of the elections, an access to the road behind had
been opened up and one could easily go to the other side. The church
compounds are much more democratic spaces normally. It is imperative that
the private, gated communities give access to common people. Exclusiveness
and exclusion cannot be tolerated in a country that prides on being the
biggest democracy.
Apart from Mr Kamu Iyerâs book one also needs to welcome a new bi-annual
journal of architecture, urban design and planning, Tekton, which was
launched last month and is brought out by the MES Pillai college of
architecture, Navi Mumbai. It is to be welcomed particularly because there
is such a paucity of serious , analytical journal on the issue.
It is astonishing that should be such scarcity of such journals in a
country with an outstanding tradition of architecture and where the
landscape is being changed almost daily because of rapid urbanization.
The first issue of the journal which came out last month includes articles
on a variety of subjects. These include a conversation between architect
Mustansir Dalvi, professor of architecture at J.J. school of architecture,
with noted architect Rahul Mehrotra. Prof Dalvi is also a fine poet,
translator and writer. Then Richa Sharma reviews a book on cities written
by Isher Judge Ahluwalia, Amita Sinha looks at the architectural history of
India and Sonam Ambe writes on the ladiesâ compartment in Mumbai local
trains.The journal editor Prof Smita Dalvi hopes the journal generate
critical thinking on architecture, urban design and other topics.
*(Mr Vidyadhar Date is a senior journalist and author of the book Traffic
in the Era of Climate Change. Walking, Cycling, Public Transport Need